Current military or veteran?
Convert your military experience into college credits.
Military personnel & veterans can receive college credit hours for U.S. Armed Forces training, occupations and educational experiences.
Your military service counts!
Many Oklahoma colleges and universities award credit for prior learning for military experience. Search the Oklahoma Military Transfer Inventory to see how your training or study will apply towards your degree program.
Military Branch | Institution | ACE ID | Version Number (Assessment Name) | Level | Prefix/Number (Title) | Credit Hours |
Army | CU | AR-2201-0399 (Basic Combat Training) | MSL 1012 (Foundations of Officership), MSL 1022 (Basic Leadership), MSL 2012 (Individual Leadership Studies), MSL 2022 (Leadership and Teamwork) | 8 | |
Army | CU | AR-2201-0285 (Warrant Office Candidate--Army) | MSL 3013 (Leadership and Problem Solving), MSL 3023 (Leadership and Ethics), MSL 4013 (Leadership Challenges and Goal Setting), MSL 4023 (Officership) | 9 | |
Army | CU | AR-2201-0411 (Field Artillary Officer Basic) | MSL 3013 (Leadership and Problem Solving), MSL 3023 (Leadership and Ethics), MSL 4004 (Cadet Leader Course), MSL 4013 (Leadership Challenges and Goal Setting), MSL 4023 (Officership) | 16 | |
Army | CU | MOS-13B-004 (Cannon Crew Member) | 40 | MGMT 3013 (Principles of Management), MGMT 3513 (Human Resource Management) | 6 |
Army | CU | AR-1402-0219 (Field Artillary Tactical Data System Specialist) | CIS 1013 (Computer Applications/Computer Literacy/Computer Famialarization) | 3 | |
Army | CU | AR-1408-0277 (Air Defense Artillery Captain's Career Course) | BUS 5963 (SEM: Military Leadership), BUS 5963 (SEM: Negotiations or Operational Planning), BUS 5963 (SEM: Decision-Making Process), BUS 5963 (SEM: Operations) | 12 | |
Army | CU | AR-0802-0033 (First Sergeant) | COMM 1113 (Fundamentals of Communications) | 3 | |
Army | CU | AR-1408-0148 | V9 (U.S. Army Sergeants Major) | BUS 2113 (Business Communication) & MGMT 4013 (Organizational Behavior) & MGMT 3013 (Principles of Management) | 9 | |
Army | CU | MOS 140A-003 Command & Control Systems Integrator | IT 1063 (Introduction to Networking) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0603 (Basic Leader) | IS 3113 (Business Communications) & MGMT 3183 (Principles of Management) | 6 | |
Army | NSU | AR-0702-0030 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - I)) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-0702-0031 | V2 (Structured Self Development (SSD - III)) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-0702-0037 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - II)) | MILS 2022 (Leadership & Teamwork) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1406-0103 | V3 (Recruiter) | COMM 3223 (Business & Professional Communication) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0656 | V2 (Combat Engineer) & AR-2201-0399 | V3 (Basic Combat Training) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1728-0107 | V1 (Basic Military Police/Basic Correction Specialist Phases 1---4, Phase 5 (95B) and Phase 5 (95C)) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Markmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1728-0167 | V1 (Basic Military Police One Station Unit Training) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1728-0167 | V2 (Basic Military Police One Station Unit Training) | CR J 3033 (Survey in American Policing) & MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 7 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1728-0218 | V1 (Individual Augmentee Warrior) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) & MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 4 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0253 | V5 (Total Army Training System (Tats) Primary Leadership Development (Primary Leadership Development)) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0310 | V1 (Light Weapons Infantryman) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0331 | V5 (Cavalry Scout) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) & MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 6 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0399 | V1 (Basic Combat Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0399 | V2 (Basic Combat Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0399 | V3 (Basic Combat Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0399 | V4 (Basic Combat Training) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) & MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 5 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0434 | V1 (Ranger) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 4 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0442 | V1 (Sniper) | MILS 2101 (Advanced Rifle Marksmanship) | 1 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0442 | V3 (Sniper) | MILS 2101 (Advanced Rifle Marksmanship) | 1 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0526 | V1 (Total Army Training System (Tats) Cannon Crewmember) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0552 | V1 (Infantryman) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0552 | V2 (Infantryman) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 4 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0552 | V4 (Infantryman) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) & MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity) | 6 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0604 | V1 (Warrior Leader (Modified)) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Coast Guard | NSU | CG-2205-0035 | V2 (Recruit Training | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Coast Guard | NSU | CG-2205-0035 | V3 (Recruit Training (Basic Training) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0399 (Basic Combat Training) & AR-2201-0552 (Infantryman) (Both taken before 2011) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) | 2 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-0501-0004 | V1 (Corporals) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-1406-0050 | V1 (Career Recruiter) | ORGL 4113 (Ethics in Organizations) | 3 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2201-0003 | V1 (Pistol Marksmanship By Correspondence) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) | 1 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0038 | V1 (Basic Military Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 4 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0088 | V1 (Recruit Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0088 | V2 (Recruit Training Master) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0088 | V3 (Recruit Training Master Fy11) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) & MILS 2101 (Advanced Rifle Marksmanship) & P ED 1000 (PE Activity) | 6 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0103 | V2 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (Nco) Academy Sergeants) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 1 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0105 | V2 (Marine Combat Training) | MILS 1101 (Basic Rifle Marksmanship) | 1 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0105 | V4 (Marine Combat Training (Mct)) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0136 | V1 (Infantry Patrolling By Correspondence) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 1 | |
Marines | NSU | MC-2204-0184 | V1 (Leading Marines By Correspondence) | MILS 1011 (Introduction to Leadership) | 1 | |
Navy | NSU | NV-2202-0165 | V1 (Recruit Training) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 1 | |
Navy | NSU | NV-2202-0165 | V2 (Recruit Training (Basic Training)) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 1 | |
Navy | NSU | NV-2202-0165 | V3 (Recruit Training (Basic Training)) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 1 | |
Army | NSU | AR-2201-0455 | V3 (Airborne) | P ED 1000 (PE Activity Credit) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | AR-1402-0168 | V9 (Information Technology Specialist) | CS 2103 (Topics in Computer Science) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-11b-004 (Infantryman) & MOS-11m-002 (Fighting Vehicle Infantryman) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-19d-004 (Cavalry Scout) | COMM 2213 (Public Speaking) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-35z-002 (Signals Intelligence (Electronic Warfare)/ Senior Sergeant/Chief) | MGMT 3183 (Principles of Management) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-91a-002 (Medical Specialist) | H ED 2212 (First Aid/Responding to Emergencies) | 2 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-98g-003 (Electronic Warfare (Ew)/Signal Intelligence Voice Interceptor) | CS 1003 (Computers in Modern Society) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-98g-005 (Voice Interceptor) | GEOG 2243 (Fundamentals of Geography) | 3 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-98g-006 (Voice Interceptor) | COMM 1113 (Fundamentals of Oral Communication) & ENGL 3083 (Professional and Technical Writing) & GEOG 2253 (World Regional Geography) | 9 | |
Army | NSU | MOS-19k-002 (M1 Armor Crewman) | MILS 1002 (Leadership Success Strategies) | 2 | |
Army | NWOSU | AR-2201-0399 | V4 (Basic Combat Training) | HED 2211 (First Aid) & HED 2221 (Advanced First Aid) | 1 | |
Army | NWOSU | AR-0702-0030 | V2 (Structured Self-Development (SSD - I)) | LEAD 1013 (Habitudes) | 3 | |
Army | NWOSU | AR-1601-0069 | V2 (Bridge Crewmember) | HED 2211 (First Aid) | 1 | |
Marines | NWOSU | MC-2204-0038 (Basic Military Training) & AR-2201-0399 (Basic Combat Training) | GEN ELEC (General Elective credit) | 0-8 | |
Marines | NWOSU | MC-2204-0038 (Basic Military Training) | HED 2303 (Wellness Concepts) | waive requirement | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG-0326-0002 | V1 (Company Commander) | ORGL 3990 (Organizational Development) & PSY 3990: (Organizational Psychology) | 6 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG-0709-0009 | V4 (Health Services Technician 'A' School) | HLTH 3990 (Basic First Aid), NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing) & HLTH 2000 (Introduction to Health Services) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1403-0003 | V1 (Telecommunications Specialist, Class A) | CMSC 2000 (Data Communications) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1405-0012 | V2 (Centralized Shipboard Supply) | MLSC 2000 (Logistics) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1406-0012 | V1 (Chief Warrant Officer Professional Development) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision), MGMT 3990 (Principles of Management) | 5 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1406-0014 | V1 (Instructor Development) | IME 2000 (Educational Media) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1408-0004 | V5 (Yeoman Second Class) | FIN 2000 (Financial Management) | 5 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1511-0002 | V4 (Chief Petty Officer Academy) | BCOM 2000 (Business Communications) MGMT 3990 (Organizational Development) | 9 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1717-0013 | V1 (Leadership and Management) | MGMT 3990 (Organizational Development) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1722-0016 | V1 (Fireman by Correspondence) | ENGR 2000 (Marine Engineering) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1728-0021 | V3 (Maritime Law Enforcement Boarding Officer) | CJ 20AD (Topics in Criminal Justice) & MCOM 2000 (Instructor Techniques) | 7 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 1728-0043 | V1 (Maritime Search and Rescue Planning, Class C) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2202-0005 | V3 (Officer Candidate School) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) & MLSC 3990 (Military Science) | 7 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2202-0009 | V1 (Apprentice Leadership Program) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0028 | V1 (Military Requirements for E-3 by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0029 | V1 (Military Requirements for E-4 by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0030 | V1 (Military Requirements for E-5 by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0035 | V2 (Recruit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE Activity -- Military) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 7 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0042 | V1 (Military Requirements for Becoming a Senior Petty Officer by Correspondence) | MCOM 2000 (Communication Fundamentals), MGMT 2000 (Intro to Supervision) | 3 | |
Coast Guard | UCO | CG 2205-0043 | V1 (Military Requirements for Becoming a Petty Officer by Correspondence) | HLTH 2000 (Health and Fitness) & MGMT 2000 (Intro to Supervision) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0326-0002 | V1 (Career Retention Specialist) | MCOM 2000 (Communications) & MGMT 2000 (Personnel Management) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0327-0001 | V3 (Basic Recruiter) | MCOM 2000 (Public Speaking), MRKT 2000 (Salesmanship) | 9 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0327-0001 | V4 (Basic Recruiter) | ISOM 2000 (Intro to Data Analytics) & MRKT 3990 (Personal Selling) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0501-0004 | V1 (Corporals) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0501-0005 | V1 (Sergeants DEP) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0709-0002 | V1 (Field Medical Service Technician) | NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) or NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing) | 10 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0709-0002 | V2 (Field Medical Service Technician) | NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing) | 12 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0709-0025 | V1 (Semper Fit Advanced Fitness by Correspondence) | PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity) & HLTH 2000 (Intro to Nutrition/Wellness) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 0801-0014 | V3 (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Specialist Basic) | SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1401-0009 | V3 (Personal Financial Management) | FIN 2000 (Personal Finance) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1401-0012 | V1 (Financial Management by Correspondence) | FIN 2000 (Financial Management) or ACCT 2000 (Principles of Accounting) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1401-0016 | V1 (Basic Pay and Allowances by Correspondence) | BADM 2000 (Business Administration) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0013 | V5 (COBOL Programming) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in COBOL) | 9 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0057 | V1 (MC Integrated Maintenance Management Systems ) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) & MGMT 2000 (Material Management) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0058 | V2 (Basic Logistics/Embarkation Specialist) | ISOM 2000 (Business Office Technology) & CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0074 | V3 (Intermediate Logistics Embarkation (ILEC)) | MLSC 2000 (Transporation Mgmt), MLSC 3990 (Adv Transportation Mgmt), SFTY 4412 (Hazard Communication) | 9 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0077 | V1 (Data Network Spec) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 8 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0080 | V1 (Tactical Network Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Networking) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0084 | V1 (Communications Security by Correspondence) | CMSC 3990 (Data Security/Encryption) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0094 | V1 (Data Systems Technician) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 15 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0095 | V1 (Administrative Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1402-0095 | V2 (Administrative Specialist) | BCOM 2000 (Business Communication) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1403-0006 | V3 (Correspondence Procedures) | BCOM 2000: Business Writing; 1 hour | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1403-0015 | V2 (Senior Clerk) | BADM 2000 (Office Administration) & CMSC 2000 (Computer Software Applications) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1405-0035 | V3 (Enlisted Supply Basic ) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Software Applications) & ISOM 2000 (Records Management) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1405-0051 | V1 (Corporal's Noncommissioned Officers (NCO) Program) | MGMT 2000 (Basic Management) & MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1405-0053 | V1 (Enlisted Warehousing Basic) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Operations) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1405-0054 | V3 (Ground Supply Chiefs) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Management) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1405-0057 | V1 (Motor Transport Operator NCO) | SFTY 2000 (Motor Transportation) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0023 | V2 (Fundamentals Marine Corps Leadership) | MLSC/MGMT/LEAD 2000 (Supervisory Management) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0028 | V2 (Principles of Instruction for the Marine Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | PTE 2000 (Intro to Education) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0030 | V2 (Instructor Orientation) | IME 3990 (Instructional Orientation) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0032 | V2 (Counseling for Marines) | PSY 2000 (Counseling Principles and Education) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0034 | V3 (Legal Services Specialist) | MCOM 2000 (Communications) & LS 2000 (Legal Studies) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0036 | V2 (Drill Instructor) | PSY 2000 (Applied Psychology), PTE 2000 (Instructional Techniques and Small Group Communication), LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Military History), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 8 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0039 | V1 (Formal School Instructor) | PTE 3990 (Instructional Strategies and Methods) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0040 | V1 (Curriculum Developer) | IME 3990 (Curriculum Development) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0041 | V2 (Legal Administration Clerk by Correspondence) | LS 2000 (Legal Record Keeping) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0047 | V1 (Small Arms Weapons Instructor) | PTE 2000 (Instructional Design and Presentation Skills), MGMT 2000 (Project Management/Implementation) & MGMT 2000 (Risk Management) | 5 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1406-0055 | V1 (Aviation Maint Workcenter Supervisor by Correspondence) | SFTY 2000 (Intro To Supervision) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1408-0025 | V3 (Command and Staff College Distance Education Program by Correspondence) | MLSC 3990 (Military Science) | 18 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1408-0033 | V1 (Leadership by Correspondence) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Management) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1511-0001 | V1 (Intelligence Brief: SW Asia) | GEO 2000 (SW Asia) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1601-0033 | V2 (Interior Wiring by Correspondence) | ENGR 2000 (Interior Wiring) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1601-0045 | V2 (Basic Reconnaissance) | MCOM 2000 (Oral Communication), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity) | 18 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1601-0052 | V1 (Land Navigation by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1606-0010 | V2 (Terrorism Awareness) | MLSC/POL 2000 (Introduction to Terrorism) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1606-0016 | V1 (Terrorism Awareness) | POL 2000 (Intro to Terrorism) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1606-0018 | V1 (Marine Ground Task Force Intelligence Specialist Career) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1606-0022 | V1 (Marine Air-Ground Task Force Intelligence Specialist Entry) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1606-0024 | V1 (European I West Cryptologic Linguist (Spanish)) | MLSC 2000 (Intelligence Analysis) & SPAN 3990 (Spanish Language & Interp) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1703-0027 | V4 (Motor Vehicle Operator) | SFTY 2000 (Truck Driving) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1704-0010 | V1 (Aircraft Maintenance Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1708-0006 | V1 (Assault Amphibian Crewman) | MCOM 2000 (Interpersonal Communication Skills) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1710-0038 | V4 (Semitrailer Refueler Operator) | SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials Handling) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0132 | V1 (Solid State Devices) | ENGR 2000 (Survey of Electronic Devices) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0151 | V2 (Tactical Data Systems Equipment Repair) | CMSC 2000 (Networking Fundamentals) & CMSC 2000 (Unix Operating System) | 5 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0184 | V1 (Fund Digital Logic) | ENGR 2000 (Digital Logic) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0225 | V1 (Advanced Electronics) | MATH 2000 (Pre-calculus) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0236 | V1 (A+ Certification) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1715-0248 | V1 (Tactical SIGINT Operators) | MLSC 2000 (Intelligence Studies) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1717-0016 | V1 (Marine Corps Integrated Maintenance Management Sysem) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1717-0017 | V2 (Light Armored Vehicle Commander) | MLSC 2000 (Orientering) & LEAD 3990 (Applied Leadership) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1728-0002 | V1 (Military Functions in Civil Disturbances by Correspondence) | CJ 3990 (Topics in Criminal Justice) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1728-0007 | V1 (Corrections Supervisor) | CJ 20AD: Corrections; 3 hours | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1728-0012 | V3 (Military Police) | CJ 2653 (Police Administration and Organization) & CJ3423 (Laws of Arrest, Search & Seizure) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1728-0014 | V2 (Corrections) | CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institutions) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1728-0017 | V1 (Non-Lethal Individual Weapons Instructor (INIWIC)) | CJ 20AD (Law Enforcement Operations) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1729-0009 | V4 (Food Service Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Food Prep/Sanitation) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 1729-0041 | V2 (Basic Nutrition) | NTRN 2000 (Nutrition) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2201-0003 | V1 (Pistol Marksmanship) | MLSC 2000 (Marksmanship) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2201-0004 | V1 (Semper Fit Basic Fitness) | PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity) or MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2201-0007 | V1 (Martial Arts Instructor) | PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity) & PTE 2000 (Teaching Practicum) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2202-0008 | V1 (Corporals) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0038 | V1 (Basic Military Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity) | 8 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0051 | V4 (Infantry Rifleman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science/Practicum) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0074 | V2 (Resident Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Career Regular) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 9 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0075 | V2 (Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Basic) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) & MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0076 | V4 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Academy Advanced) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) & MCOM 2000 (Public Speaking) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0088 | V1 (Recruit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0088 | V2 (Recruit Training Master) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 8 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0088 | V3 (Recruit Training Master FY11) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 9 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0103 | V2 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Academy) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0105 | V2 (Marine Combat Training) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Military Skills) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0105 | V4 (Marine Combat Training (MCT)) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity) | 5 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0106 | V2 (Infantry Assaultman) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Military Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0109 | V1 (Ammunition Tech) | ISOM 2000 (Inventory Control) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0112 | V1 (Warfighting Skills Program) | MLSC: 2000: Topics in Military Science; 2 hours | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0114 | V1 (Amphibious Warfare School Nonresident Program (AWSNP) by Correspondence Phase 2) | MGMT 3990 (Management Studies) & MLSC 3990 (Military Studies) | 5 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0120 | V2 (Infantry Anti-Tank Guided) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Military Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0121 | V1 (Infantry Squad Leader) | MLSC: 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0122 | V3 (Infantry Squad Leader) | MLSC 2000 (Marksmanship) & LEAD 3990 (Leadership Skills) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0122 | V4 (Advanced Infantryman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE- Physical Activity), LEAD 2000 (Supervision) LEAD 3990 (Applied Leadership) | 13 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0127 | V2 (Sergeants Distance Education Program) | MGMT 2000 (Management) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0128 | V1 (Military Studies) | MLSC 2000 (Military Studies) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0129 | V1 (Introduction to Warfighting) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0130 | V1 (Warfighting Tactics) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0131 | V1 (Warfighting Techniques) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0133 | V1 (Operations Against Guerilla Units by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0135 | V1 (Infantry Squad Leader: Cold Weather Operations by Correspondence) | PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0136 | V1 (Infantry Patrolling by Correspondence) | MLSC 2000 or PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0137 | V1 (Infantry Squad Leader: Combat Leadership) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0139 | V1 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Academy Career Nonresident Program) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) & MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 4 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0140 | V1 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Academy Center) | MGMT 2000 (Management), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0140 | V2 (5-13 Career) | MCOM 2000 (Communication Skills), LEAD 2000 (Leadership Principles) & PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military) | 7 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0142 | V2 (Staff Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Advanced Distance Learning Program) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) OR MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0152 | V1 (Marine Rifleman) | MLSC 3990 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0174 | V2 (Staff Noncommissioned Officers (NCO) Career Distance Education ) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) & MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0184 | V1 (Leading Marines) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0189 | V1 (Marine Corps Combat Marksmanship Coach) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0189 | V2 (Combat Marksmanship Coach (CMC)) | AESS 3990 (Topics in Adult Education) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0196 | V1 (Infantry Patrolling) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0201 | V1 (Basic Infantryman) | MLSC 2000 (Marksmanship) | 3 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0201 | V2 (Basic Infantry Marine) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) & PHED 2000 (Principles of Physical Fitness) | 8 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0205 | V1 (Field Artillery Fire Controlman) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Marines | UCO | MC 2204-0217 | V1 (Combat Hunter) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0702-0013 | V4 (Deep Sea Diving Independent Duty Corpsman) | BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing), NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing), BIO 3990 (Topics in Biology) | 38 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0702-0015 | V1 (Medical Laboratory Technician) | NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing), BIO 2000 (Microbiology) | 15 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0703-0008 | V1 (Hospital Corpsman Basic) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy & Physiology) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0703-0008 | V2 (Basic Hospital Corps School) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy & Physiology), NURS 2000 (Fundamentals of Nursing), NURS 2000 (Nursing Practicum), NURS 2000 (Patient Care), NURS 2000 (Pharmacology), NURS 2000 (Physical Assessment) & NURS 2000 (Basic Patient Care Procedures) | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0703-0008 | V3 (Hospital Corpsman Basic (USN)) | BIO 2000 (Human Anatomy), NURS 2000 (Patient Care) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0703-0008 | V4 (Hospital Corpsman Basic) | HLTH 2000 (Patient Care) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0703-0008 | V5 (Hospital Corpsman Basic) | BIO 2000 (Basic Human Anatomy), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 7 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0707-0003 | V1 (Engineering Common Core) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0707-0004 | V2 (Lightweight Torpedo Storage and Issue Maintenance) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0707-0007 | V1 (Bearings (Community/Personal Health)) | HLTH 2000 (Special Topics) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0708-0004 | V1 (Behavioral Health Technician) | PSY 2000 (Group Counseling) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0709-0003 | V4 (Aerospace Medicine Technician, Class C) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy & Physiology) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0709-0018 | V1 (Cardiovascular Technician, Class C) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy and Physiology), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) & PHY 2000 (Physical Science) | 53 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0709-0019 | V3 (Surface Force Independent Duty Corpsman (HM-8425) Class 'C') | BIO 2000 (Anatomy and Physiology), NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing) | 32 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0801-0012 | V3 (Shipboard Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (Cbr-D) Operations And Training Specialist) | SFTY 3353 (Radiation Safety) OR SFTY 4453 (Hazard Waste Operation & Emergency Response) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0801-0012 | V2 (Shipboard Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense Specialist) | SFTY 2000 (Radiation Protection Technology) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0802-0013 | V3 (Transportation of Hazardous Materials) | SFTY 4403 (Transportation Safety Mgmt) OR SFTY 4412 (Hazard Communication) | 3 or 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0802-0013 | V1 (Transportation and Storage of Hazardous Materials) | SFTY 2000: Hazardous Materials Management; 3 hours | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0802-0014 | V1 (Engineering Laboratory Technician) | CHEM 1003 (Chemistry & Society), PHY 3990 (Health Physics) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0802-0014 | V2 (Prototype Training (Engineering Laboratory Technician)) | CHEM 2000: Chemistry Lab (or CHEM 1112: General Chemistry I Lab), SFTY 3353 (Radiation Safety), PHY 3990 (Health Physics) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0010 | V2 (Medical Deep Sea Diving Technician) | PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity), BIO 3990 (Marine Diving Physiology) | 24 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0012 | V1 (Aircrewman Candidate, Class A) | PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military) | 7 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0012 | V3 (Naval Aircrewman Candidate School) | HLTH 2212 (First Aid & CPR), PHED 3990 (Advanced Swimming), PHED 2000 (Military Activity) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0015 | V1 (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0018 | V1 (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) Indoctrination) | PHED 2000 (PE - Military Activity) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0024 | V1 (SEAL Advanced Close Quarters Defense) | PHED 2000 (Self-Defense), MLSC 2000 (Military Tactics) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0026 | V1 (Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Helicopter Rope Suspension Training/Cast (HRST/C) Master) | PHED 2000 (Physical Education) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0803-0028 | V1 (Naval Special Warfare Preparatory) | PHED 2000 (PE - Military Activity) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 0804-0001 | V2 (Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Marksmanship), PHIL 2000 (Ethics), HLTH 2000 (First Aid/CPR), PHED (Physical Fitness and Conditioning) | 10 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1205-0009 | V1 (Music Basic) | MUS 1143 (Music Theory I), MUS 1151 (Aural Skills 1), MUS 1183 (Music Theory II), MUS 1161 (Aural Skills 2), MPER 2000 (Applied Performance), MUS 2000 (Topics in Music Studies) | 11 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1303-0002 | V3 (Machinist's Mate, Class A1 (1200 PSI)) | ENGR 2000 (Basic Marine Engineering) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1304-0012 | V4 (Aerographer's Mate, Class A1) | PHY 2000 (Meteorology/Weather courses) | 11 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1401-0006 | V2 (Disbursing Clerk, Class A1) | CMSC 2000 (Intro to Computers) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0073 | V1 (Electronic Warfare Technician) | ENGR 2000 (Digital Logic and Microprocessors) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0171 | V2 (Radioman 21, Class A) | CMSC 2000 (Microcomputer Networks) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0206 | V2 (Global Command and Control System (GCCS) System Administrator) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0211 | V2 (Data Link Communication System Maintenance Technician) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance), CMSC 2000 (Electronic Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance), CMSC 3990 (Advanced Computer Systems and Organization) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0242 | V2 (Global Command and Control System Common Operational Picture/Maritime) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0244 | V4 (Gun Computer System (GCS) MK 160 MOD 4/6 and Optical Sight System (OSS) MK 46 MOD 0 Operation and Main) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0259 | V3 (Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA) Production Control) | CMSC 2000 (Quality Assurance) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0277 | V1 (NALCOMIS IMA Database Administrator Course, Class G1) | CMSC 3990 (Database Management) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0288 | V1 (Information Systems Technician Class "A":) | CMSC 2000 (Networking Fundamentals), CMSC 2000 (PC Troubleshooting and Repair) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0296 | V1 (Joint Cyber Analysis) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science), CMSC 3990 (Information Assurance) | 24 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1402-0300 | V1 (Integrated Submarine Imagin System (ISIS) TI-10 Maintenance) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Systems) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1405-0027 | V1 (Aviation Storekeeper, Class A) | MLSC 2000 (Supply Management) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1405-0028 | V1 (Ship's Serviceman, Class A) | BADM 2000 (Introduction to Business) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1405-0029 | V3 (Storekeeper) | BADM 2000 (Business Management) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1405-0029 | V2 (Storekeeper, Class A1) | BADM 3990 (Topics in Business) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1405-0061 | V2 (Relational Supply - Force Level OPS Tech) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0019 | V1 (Instructor) | IME 2000/IME 3990 (Training and Development-Instructional Methods) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0020 | V2 (Command Career Counselor) | PSY 2000 (Personnel Counseling) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0044 | V2 (Basic Instructor-Automated Electronic Classroom) | PTE 2000 (Instructional Methodology) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0044 | V3 (Navy Instructory Training) | MCOM 2000 (Interpersonal Communication), PTE 2000: (Training Fundamentals) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0049 | V3 (Enlisted Navy Recruiting Orientation/Recruiter Canvasser (ENRO)) | MKTG 2000 (Salesmanship), MCOM 2000 (Interpersonal Comm) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0052 | V1 (Personnel Specialist Class "A" School) | ACCT 2000 (Payroll Accounting) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0052 | V2 (Personnel Specialist Class "A" School) | FIN 2000 (Financial Administration), MGMT 2000 (Human Resources) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1406-0058 | V1 (First Class Swimmer/Swim Tester Buildup) | PHED 2000 (Intermediate Swimming), PHED 2000: (Lifeguard), HLTH 2000 (First Aid & CPR) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1408-0047 | V1 (Naval Aviation Maintenance Control Management to Indicate Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information Systems Organizational Maintenance Activity) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Management) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1408-0055 | V1 (CONSTRUCTION BATTALION OPERATIONS) | MLSC 3990 (Project Management) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1408-0059 | V1 (Mine Coutnermeasures (MCM) Medal Supervisor) | ISOM 2000 (Information Management), MLSC 2000 (Marine Science) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1408-0060 | V1 (Antiterrorism Training Supervisor) | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1408-0061 | V1 (Non-Compliant Boarding Visit, Board, Search, and Seizure) | PHED 2000 (PE- Military Activity) OR MLSC 2000 (Homeland Security) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1409-0001 | V3 (Personnelman, Class A) | BCOM 2000 (Business Communication) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1409-0011 | V3 (Aviation Maintenance Administration) | ISOM 2000 (Records Management) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1511-0017 | V2 (Intelligence Specialist Class A) | PSY 2000 (Topics Psych) & GEO 2000 (Topics World Geography) or MLSC 2000 (Intelligence Analysis) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1511-0017 | V3 (Intelligence Specialist Class A) | GEO 2000 (Topics in Geography), MLSC 2000 (Intelligence Analysis) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1606-0076 | V4 (Quartermaster Class A) | MCOM 2000 (Communications) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1606-0087 | V3 (Operational Intelligence Analyst "C" School) | MLSC 2000 (Intro to Intelligence Methods), MLSC 3990 (Intelligence Analysis and Applications) | 7 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1704-0412 | V1 (Aircraft Nondestructive Inspection Technician) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1704-0457 | V1 (Machinist's Mate, Class A Submarines) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1709-0043 | V3 (Intelligence Specialist "C" Imagery Interpretation) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MCOM 2000: (Public Speaking), MATH 2000 (Technical Math), PHIL 3990 (Critical Thinking & Problem Solving) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1710-0130 | V3 (Equipment Operator "A" School (Navy Unique)) | SFTY 2000 (Vehicle Operations) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1710-0154 | V1 (Nuclear Machinist's Mate, Class A:) | PHY 2000 (Mechanical Physics) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1710-0154 | V3 (Nuclear Field " A" School (Machinist's Mates)) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1713-0029 | V1 (Soil Stabilization II) | MATH 2000 (Basic Geometry) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1714-0009 | V3 (Basic Electricity/Electronics) | ENGR 2000 (Electric Currents) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1714-0020 | V1 (Basic Electricity/Electronics) | ENGR 2000 (Electric Currents) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1714-0021 | V1 (Basic Electricity/Electronics) | ENGR 2000 (Electric Currents) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1714-0073 | V3 (Nuclear Field "A" School (Electrician's Mates)) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety), MATH 2000 (Technical Math) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1714-0089 | V1 (Mineman Class A) | PHY 2000 (Applied Physics), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 7 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-0556 | V2 (Advanced First Term Avionics, Class A1) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Active Devices and Circuits), CMSC 2000 (Communications Systems), CMSC 2000 (Computer Principles and Maintenance) | 14 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-0779 | V4 (Electronic Warfare Technician, Class A, Preventative Maintenance Technology) | ENGR 2000 (Electronic Devices), ENGR 2000 (Electronic Communications) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1274 | V3 (Sonar Technician Sumbarine, Class A) | MLSC 2000 (Topics), SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety Sciences), MATH 2000 (Trigonometry), GEO 2000 (Oceanography) | 20 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1400 | V3 (Strategic Weapons, Class A) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Systems & Organization) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1407 | V2 (Mk41 Vertical Launching Sys Oper/Maint Baseline III) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1436 | V1 (Aviation Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) Operator, Class A1) | BIO 2000 (Oceanography) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1439 | V2 (Avionics Technician, Class A1) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Organization), CMSC 2000 (Computer Systems Troubleshooting and Maintenance) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1473 | V3 (Submarine Fire Control Technician, Class "A" School) | CMSC 2000 (Topics) and/or MATH 2000 (Trigonometry), and/or ENGR 2000 (Topics), SFTY 2000 (Occupational Health & Safety) | 16 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1542 | V3 (Air Intercept Controller Basic) | MLSC 3990 (Homeland Security) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1588 | V4 (Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon Identification Friend of Foe MK XII System Maintenance) | ENGR 2000 (Topics in Engineering) | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1643 | V4 (AN/ARN-118(V) TACAN System Intermediate Maintenance) | ENGR 2000 (Electronic Systems Troubleshooting/Maintenance) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1712 | V4 (Gunner's Mate Class A School) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1745 | V2 (Aegis Combat System Maintenance Manager (CG-65-73/DDG)) | ISOM 2000 (Management Information Systems) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1795 | V3 (Fire Controlman Class A School) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety), ENGR 2000 (Electronic System Troubleshooting/Repair), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1816 | V1 (Aviation Technician Level 1 Strand, Class A1) | ENGR 2000 (DC/AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Electronics) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1870 | V5 (Communications Signals Collection and Processing) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Technology) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1887 | V1 (Advanced Electronics Technical Core) | ENGR 2000 (DC/AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Electronics) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1915 | V2 (Aviation Logistics Tactical Information Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 15 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-1930 | V1 (Advanced Electronics Technical Core) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits and Laboratory), ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits and Laboratory), ENGR 2000 (Digital Logic Circuits and Laboratory), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Electronics and Laboratory) | 16 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2016 | V2 (Naval Modular Automated Communications (NAVMAC) System 2 (Modular Automated Communications System 2 AN/SYQ-7A (V))) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2050 | V4 (Journeyman-Networking Core) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2084 | V2 (Track Data Coordinator) | CMSC 3990 (Communications Systems) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2086 | V3 (Journeyman Communications Course - Operate Navy SHF RF Systems) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2089 | V4 (Information Systems Maintenance Tech) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2114 | V1 (Tactical Computers and Network Operator) | CMSC 2000 (Computer and Network Systems Administration) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2121 | V2 (Tactical Tomahawk Weapons Control System (TTWCS) Operations and Maintenance) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2134 | V3 (Electronics Technician (ET) "A") | ENGR 2000 (Topics in Engineering), SFTY 4253 (Electrical Safety) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2182 | V1 (Aviation Electronics Technician - Intermediate Apprentice Technical) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Basic Digital Circuits), ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Devices) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2183 | V1 (Aviation Electronics Technician - Organizational Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Basic Digital Circuits), ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Devices) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2186 | V1 (Mineman Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Basic Digital Circuits), ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Devices) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2187 | V1 (Marine Avionics Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Basic Digital Circuits), ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Devices) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2188 | V2 (Interior Communications Electrician Apprenctive Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (Topics in Electrical Engineering) | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2189 | V2 (Gunner's Mate Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (DC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Devices), ENGR 2000 (Digital Circuits) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2190 | V1 (Fire Control Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000: AC Circuits; 3 hours; ENGR 2000: Basic Digital Circuits; 2 hours; ENGR 2000: DC Circuits; 2 hours; ENGR 2000: Motor Controls; 2 hours; ENGR 2000: Solid State Devices; 3 hours | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2190 | V5 (Fire Control Apprentice Technical Training) | ENGR 2000 (Topics in Engineering), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR), ENGR 3990 (Topics in Engineering) | 20 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2191 | V2 (Electronics Technician Apprenctice Technical Training) | HLTH 2000 (First Aid), ENGR 3990 (Topics in Electrical Engineering) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2197 | V1 (Nalcomis/Analyst Core, Class G1) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science), CMSC 3990 (Database Mgmt Sys) | 8 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2205 | V1 (D-5 Backfit Missile Technician Replacement) | MGMT 3990 (Maintenance Management) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2212 | V1 (Sonar Employment) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2213 | V1 (Submarine Sonar Supervisor) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2234 | V1 (Journeyman Communications Course - Operate Navy INMARSAT B HSD/ADNS/GBS IP Systems) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1715-2245 | V1 (Information Systems Technician Class "A":) | CMSC 2000: Intro to Information Systems; 5 hours; CMSC 2000: Windows Desktop Operating Systems Admin; 3 hours; CMSC 2000: Intro to Networking; 3 hours; SFTY 2000: Workplace Safety; 1 hour; | 12 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0014 | V1 (Leadership and Management Education and Training (LMET) for Leading Petty Officers) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership Development) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0025 | V1 (Leader Development Program) | MLSC 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0027 | V1 (Primary Leadership Development Program) | MGMT/MLSC 2000 (Personnel Supervision ), BCOM 2000 (Business and Professional Communication), LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0028 | V1 (Advanced Leadership Development Program) | BCOM 2000 (Business Communication), LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0029 | V1 (First Line Leadership Development Program) | MLSC/LEAD 2000 (Leadership), BCOM 2000 (Business and Professional Communication) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1717-0044 | V1 (Aviation Ordnance Intermediate Maintenance Technician) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1720-0006 | V1 (Cryogenic Equipment Technician) | PHY 2000 (Basic Physics), SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1722-0026 | V1 (Crew Served Weapons Operations and Maintenance) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0020 | V3 (Aviation Boatswain's Mate Aircraft Handling) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0034 | V2 (Armed Sentry/Security Reaction force-Basic) | MLSC 2000 (Intro to Fire Arms) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0035 | V3 (Naval Corrections Specialist) | CJ 2000 (Corrections), OCTE 2000 (Human Relations) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0035 | V4 (Naval Corrections Specialist) | CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institution), CJ 2000 (Criminal Justice Ethics) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0049 | V3 (Damage Control Repair Party Leader) | SFTY 2000 (Intro to Hazardous Materials) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0053 | V3 (Master-At-Arms "A" School) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills) CJ 2653 (Police Administration and Organization) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0055 | V1 (Specialist in Law Enforcement) | CJ 20AD (Patrol Procedures/Operation/Techniques), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0062 | V1 (Damage Control Assistant/Senior Enlisted) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 13 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1728-0063 | V1 (Crew Served Weapons Instructor) | PTE 2000 (Instructor Training Techniques) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1732-0026 | V2 (Naval Nuclear Power School, Enlisted) | PHY 2000 (Topics in Physics), CHEM 2000 (General Chemistry), SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety Science), ENGR 2000 (Topics in Engineering) | 24 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1732-0028 | V2 (Prototype Training (Electrician's Mates/Electronics Technician) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), PHY 3990 (Topics in Physics) | 15 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 1732-0029 | V3 (Prototype Training (Machinist's Mate) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), ENGR 3990 (Mechanical Systems) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2201-0122 | V1 (SEAL Qualification Training) | MLSC 2000 (Advanced Military Science), HLTH 2000 (First Aid), LEAD 2000 (Leadership), PHED 2000 (Physical Fitness), MGMT 3990 (Management Practicum) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2201-0124 | V1 (Armed Sentry/Security Reaction Force-Advanced) | MSLC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2201-0127 | V1 (25 MM Mk 38 Mod 1 Machine Gun Operation and Maintenance) | MLSC 2000 (Weapons Maintenance and Repair) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2201-0128 | V1 (Expeditionary Combat Skills) | HLTH 2212 (First Aid & CPR), HLTH 2000 (Special Topics & MLSC 2000: Topics) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0014 | V1 (Basic Military Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR) | 4 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0165 | V1 (Recruit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0165 | V2 (Recruit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0165 | V3 (Recruit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills) or PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0165 | V4 (Recruit Basic Military Training (BMT)) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0175 | V1 (Senior Enlisted Academy) | BCOM 2000 (Business Communication), MGMT 3990 (Decision Making and Problem Solving), MGMT 3990 (Human Relations), IB 3990 (International Relations), ORGL 3990 (Organization Development), ORGL 3990 (Organization Theory) | 18 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0185 | V1 (Seamanship Apprentice) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0212 | V1 (Surface Common Core for S-PACTS) | HLTH 2000 (First Aid) or MLSC 2000: Basic Seamanship) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0212 | V2 (Surface Common Core (SCC)) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Seamanship) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2202-0213 | V1 (Surface Common core for CSCS Rates) | HLTH 2000 (First Aid) or MLSC 2000 (Basic Seamanship) | 1 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2204-0004 | V1 (Special Warfare Combatant Craft Crewman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Credit), MLSC 3990 (Advanced Navigation) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2205-0004 | V1 (Senior Navigation) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Credit), MLSC 3990 (Advanced Navigation) | 9 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2205-0005 | V1 (Prospective Submarine Assistant Navigator) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2205-0017 | V1 (Riverine Combat Skills) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 5 | |
Navy | UCO | NV 2205-0018 | V1 (Riverine Crewman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0104-0013 | V4 (Veterinary Food Inspection Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Intro to Food Handling and Processing) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0033 | V2 (Transportation Officer Basic) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0061 | V5 (Transportation Management Coordinator) | MLSC 2000 (Intro to Logistics) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0066 | V1 (Combined Logistics Officer Advanced, Phase 2) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0074 | V2 (Motor Transport Operator Advanced Leaders) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0079 | V1 (Motor Transport Operator BNCOC) | MLSC 2000 (Transportation Management), SFTY 2000 (Transportation Safety) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0089 | V2 (Transportation Management Coordinator) | SFTY 4403 (Transportation Safety Mgmt) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0419-0091 | V1 (Transportation Management Coordinator) | MLSC 2000 (Logistics Information Systems) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0602-0011 | V1 (Arabic (AD) Special Operations Forces Basic Military Language) | FLGN 2000 (Beginning Arabic) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0022 | V3 (Medical laboratory Specialist) | BIO 2314 (Introduction to Microbiology), BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), CHEM 2000 (Chemistry Lab), CHEM 2000 (Topics in Chemistry), HLTH 2000 (Topics in Health Sciences) | 14 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0023 | V2 (Medical laboratory Specialist) | CHEM 2000 (Chemistry Practicum), BIO 2000 (Microbiology Practicum), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 20 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0030 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - I)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0030 | V2 (Structured Self Development (SSD - I)) | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0031 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - III)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0031 | V2 (Structured Self Development (SSD - III)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0032 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - IV)) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0032 | V2 (Structured Self Development (SSD - IV)) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) LEAD 3990 (Leadership) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0702-0037 | V1 (Structured Self Development (SSD - II)) | MGMT 2000 (Introduction to Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0703-0036 | V5 (Practical Nurse) | NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 40 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0703-0037 | V3 (Practical Nurse) | BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing), MATH 2000 (Math for Pharmacology) | 11 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0703-0037 | V5 (Practical Nurse) | BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 20 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0703-0039 | V1 (Practical Nurse) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy and Physiology), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0704-0014 | V3 (Physical Therapy Specialty) | NURS 2000 (Physical Therapy Assistant Clinical Practicum) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0704-0023 | V2 (Respiratory Specialist) | HLTH 2212 (First Aid & CPR), MLSC 2000 (Military Science), BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), HLTH 2000 (Topics in Health Sciences), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 28 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0704-0024 | V1 (Respiratory Specialist) | NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR-0705-0001 | V3 (Radiology Specialist) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy and Physiology) BIO 2000 (Medical Terminology) | 32 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0705-0014 | V3 (Radiology Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Literacy), BIO 2000 (Medical Terminology) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0707-0016 | V4 (Preventive Medicine Specialist) | HLTH 2000 (Health Topics), Preventive Medicine Practicum), HLTH 3990 (Medical Entomology), SFTY 3990 (Topics in Occupational and Health Safety) | 26 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0707-0018 | V1 (Basic Industrial Hygiene Techniques) | SFTY 4123 (Industrial Hygiene I), SFTY 3990 (Industrial Hygiene), SFTY 4133 (Industrial Hygiene II) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0707-0026 | V2 (Preventive Medicine Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MGMT 2000 (Management), HLTH 2000 (Preventive Medicine) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0708-0008 | V2 (Mental Health Specialist) | PSY 2000 (Topics in Psychology) | 22 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0032 | V4 (Medical Specialist) | HLTH 2000 (Health Topics), BIO 2000 (Physiology), NURS 2000 (Nursing care) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0052 | V2 (Pharmacy Specialist) | BIO 2000 (Human Anatomy and Physiology), CHEM 2000 (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0055 | V2 (Operating Room Specialist) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy & Physiology), HLTH 2000 (CPR), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 17 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0056 | V3 (Operating Room Specialist) | NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0065 | V3 (Health Care Specialist) | HLTH 2000 (Health Topics), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0065 | V4 (Health Care Specialist) | HLTH 2000 (Topics in Health Sciences), NURS 2000 (Topics in Nursing) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0065 | V5 (Health Care Specialist) | HLTH 2000 (Topics in Health Sciences), NURS 3990 (Topics in Nursing) | 11 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0709-0067 | V1 (Health Care Specialist (MOS-T)) | BIO 2000 (Anatomy and Physiology), HLTH 2000 (Basic Life Support), BIO 2000 (Medical Terminology) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0799-0027 | V1 (Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Advanced) | NURS 3990 (Preventative Medicine), MGMT 3990 (Operations Management) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0799-0034 | V2 (Army medical Department (AMEDD) Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Advanced Reserve) | NTRN 3990 (Food Service), PHIL 3990 (Logic), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0799-0040 | V1 (Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Noncommissioned Officer Basic (NCOES)) | MGMT 3990 (Human Resource Mgmt), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0799-0043 | V1 (Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Noncommissioned Officer Basic (NCOES)) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0001 | V4 (Technical Escort) | SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials and Safety) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0020 | V3 (First Sergeant) | MCOM 2000 (Fundamentals of Communication), MGMT 3990 (Human Resource Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0033 | V2 (First Sergeant) | MGMT 3990 (Human Resource Mgmt) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0035 | V1 (Hospital Chemical Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Preparedness) | MGMT 3990 (Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0036 | V1 (Technical Transportation of Hazardous Material) | SFTY 4403 (Transportation Safety Mgmt) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0037 | V1 (Technical Escort) | SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials Operation), MLSC 2000 (Technical Rescue Operations) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0039 | V2 (CBRN Responders) | SFTY 4453 (Hazard Waste Operation & Emergency Response) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0802-0039 | V1 (CBRN Responders) | SFTY 2000 (Environmental Sampling & Monitoring) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0803-0018 | V1 (Master Resilience Training (MRTC)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0804-0004 | V2 (Summer Military Mountaineer) | MLSC 2000 (Basic Training) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 0804-0008 | V1 (Basic Military Mountaineer) | PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1205-0014 | V1 (Basic Music Reserve Component) | MPER 2000 (Performance Ensembles) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1205-0016 | V1 (Band Commander Sustainment Training) | MUS 2000 (Topics in Music Studies), MGMT 2000: Management) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1205-0026 | V1 (Army Bands French Horn Music (AIT)) | MPER 2000 (Applied French Horn), MPER 2000 (Performance Ensembles) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1205-0029 | V1 (Army Bands Flute Music (AIT)) | MPER 1000 (Applied Flute), MPER 2000 (Performance Ensembles) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1205-0034 | V1 (Army Bands Percussion Music) | MUS 2000 (Topics in Music Studies), MPER 2000 (Performance Ensembles) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1304-0009 | V1 (Marine Artillery Operations Chief) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1401-0033 | V2 (Financial Management Technician) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), ACCT 2000 (Payroll Accounting) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1401-0033 | V3 (Financial Management Technician Advanced Individual Training) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), ACCT 2000 (Payroll Accounting), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1401-0062 | V1 (Financial Management Technician) | ACCT 2000 (Accounting Practices), LEAD 2000: Leadership), CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0007 | V1 (Administrative Specialist) | ISOM 2000 (Topics in Information Management) | 11 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0168 | V9 (Information Technology Specialist) | CMSC 1103 (Introduction to Computer Systems), CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 35 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0219 | V1 (Total Army Training Systems Field Artillery Tactical Data System Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), CMSC 2000 (Computer Fundamentals) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0221 | V1 (System Administrator/Network Managers Security) | CMSC 3990 (Network Administration), CMSC 3990 (Computer System and Network Security) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0262 | V1 (Information Technology Specialist Advanced Leader) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1402-0284 | V1 (Sustainment Automation Support Management Office) | CMSC 2000 (Troubleshooting) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1403-0017 | V4 (Advanced Individual Training) | LS 2000 (Topics in Legal Studies), CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1403-0021 | V3 (Administrative Specialist) | ISOM 2000 (Information Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0123 | V5 (Medical Logistics Systems Management) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0162 | V1 (Unit Supply Specialist Advanced Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MGMT 2000 (Administrative Management), CMSC 2000 (Microcomputer Applications), MLSC 2000 (Supply Management) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0198 | V2 (RC Unit Mobilization Planners) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0200 | V1 (Company Supply/ULLS-S4) | MLSC 2000 (Supply Management) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0233 | V2 (Unit Supply Specialist Basic Noncommissioned Officer) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Management), MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision), ISOM 2000 (Records Management) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0235 | V1 (Unit Supply Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MLSC 2000 (Logistics) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0235 | V5 (Unit Supply Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Logistics) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0235 | V3 (Unit Supply Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0236 | V2 (Quartermaster Basic Officer Leader-Branch) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0238 | V1 (Automated Logistical Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MLSC 2000 (Logistics), ISOM 2000 (Information Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0238 | V2 (Automated Logistical Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MLSC 2000 (Logistics) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0238 | V1 (Automated Logistical Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Management), SFTY 2000 (Haz-Mat Transportation), ISOM 2000 (Management Info Sys) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0238 | V2 (Automated Logistical Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Inventory Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0280 | V1 (Medical Logistics Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0304 | V1 (Civil Support Skills) | SFTY 4453 (Hazard Waste Operation & Emergency Response), BIO 2000 (Topics in Biology), SFTY 2000 (Incident Management) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0304 | V5 (Civil Support Skills) | SFTY 2000 (Chemistry of Hazardous Materials), SFTY 2000 (Emergency Response Operations), SFTY 2000 (Environmental Sampling & Monitoring) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0309 | V3 (Joint Operational Fires and Effects) | MGMT 3990 (Strategic Management) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0317 | V5 (Unit Supply Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0318 | V1 (Unit Supply Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0324 | V3 (Unit Supply Specialist Advanced Leader) | MLSC 3990 (Logistics Management), ISOM 3990 (Management Information Systems) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1405-0326 | V2 (Automated Logistical Specialist Advanced Leader) | MLSC 2000 (Logistics Management), ISOM 2000 (Management Information Systems) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0090 | V1 (Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision), MCOM 2000 (Communications), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0090 | V3 (Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0090 | V2 (Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0103 | V3 (Army Recruiter) | MKTG 3990 (Marketing), MGMT 3990 (Human Resource Management), BCOM 3990 (Business Interpersonal Communication) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0103 | V4 (Army Recruiter) | MCOM 2000 (Interpersonal Communication), MGMT 3990 (Personnel Staffing), MRKT 3990 (Sales Management) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0163 | V2 (Station Commander) | MRKT 2000 (Sales Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0177 | V2 (Company Trainers) | MGMT 3990 (Training Management) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0182 | V4 (Personnel Services Specialist) | MGMT 2000 (Records Management), MGMT 2000 (Human Resource Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0213 | V2 (Fire Support Sergeant Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0215 | V2 (Total Army Training System (TATS) fire support Sergeant Basic Noncommissioned Officer) | MGMT 2000 (Field Exp in Mgmt) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0215 | V3 (Fire Support Sergeant Basic Noncommissioned Officer (BNCOC)) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Fundamentals), MGMT 2000 (Field Experience in Mgmt) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0225 | V3 (Military Human Resources Technician Warrant Officer Basic) | MCOM 3990 (Communications), MGMT 3990 (Personnel Admin & Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0251 | V4 (Army Nat'l Gd Recruiting/Retention NCO) | MKTG 2000 (Sales Fundamentals) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0251 | V5 (Army National Guard Non-Career Recruiter) | MRKT 3990 (Personal Selling), MGMT 3990 (Staffing and Recruitment) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0252 | V1 (Human Resources Specialist) | MGMT 2000 (Personnel Management), CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0252 | V1 (Human Resources Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), ISOM 2000 (Records and Information Management) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0252 | V3 (Human Resources Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MGMT 2000 (Topics in Mgmt) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0252 | V1 (Human Resources Specialist) | BADM 2000 (Topics in Human Resources) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0258 | V2 (Fire Support Specialist) | MGMT 2000 (Resource Management), MLSC 3990 (Tactical Leadership) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0261 | V1 (Army National Guard 79T Conversion) | MGMT 2000 (Personal Selling) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1406-0264 | V1 (Army Basic Instructor) | MCOM 2000 (Classroom Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0007 | V4 (Personnel Management Specialist) | MGMT 3990 (Personnel Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0068 | V3 (Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Noncomissioned Officer (NCO) Basic) | MCOM 2000 (Interpersonal Communication), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408 0234 | V2 (Army Reconnaissance (ARC)) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0284 | V1 (Combined Logistics Captains Career) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0311 | V2 (Financial Management Technician Advanced Leaders) | ACCT 2000 (Accounts Payable) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0326 | V1 (Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Noncommissioned Officer Basic (NCOES)) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science Topics) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0330 | V1 (Armor Basic Officer Leader (BOLC III)) | MLSC 2000 (Special Patrol Tactics), LEAD 3990 (Leadership and Supervision), MLSC 3990 (Military Science and Tactics) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0352 | V2 (Battle Staff Noncommissioned (DL)(VTT)) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science), MGMT 3990 (Operations Management) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0353 | V1 (Battle Staff Noncommissioned) | MCOM 2000 (Communications), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science), MGMT 3990 (Operations Management) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0373 | V1 (Master Leader) | MGMT 2000 (Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1408-0396 | V1 (ARNG Food Service Management) | NTRN 2000 (Food Safety and Service) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0026 | V1 (Civil Affairs Specialist - RC Civil Affairs Specialist Reserve) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), POL 2000 (Public Administration) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0037 | V1 (Civl Affairs Generalist MOS-T, Phase 1) | MLSC 3990 (Military Science), MGMT 3990 (Public Administration) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0037 | V1 (Civil Affairs Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), MCOM 2000 (Communication) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0038 | V2 (Civil Affairs Generalist MOS-T, Phase 2) | MCOM 2000 (Communication), MGMT 3990 (Public Administration), MLSC 3990 (Military Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0038 | V3 (Civil Affairs Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), MCOM 2000 (Communication) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1511-0039 | V1 (Civil Affairs Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), MCOM 2000 (Communication), SOC 2000 (Cultural Anthropology) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1512-0021 | V1 (Psychological Operations Specialist) | PSY 2000 (Topics in Psychology) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1513-0016 | V9 (Chaplain Assistant) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), PHIL 3990 (Ethics) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0055 | V1 (Marine Corp Field Artillery Fire Controlman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0109 | V1 (Fire support Sergeant Advanced Noncommissioned Officer (ANCOC)) | MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0111 | V4 (Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Crewmember) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0124 | V3 (21B10 Combat Engineer) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (Physical Activity) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0124 | V2 (Combat Engineer) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), SFTY 2000 (Explosives and Haz-Mat Handling), PHED 2000 (Physical Activity) | 13 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0248 | V4 (Engineer Basic Officer Leader (BOLC III)) | ENGR 2000 (CADD), MGMT 2000 (Project Management) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0256 | V2 (Combat Engineer) | SFTY 2000 (Explosives and Hazardous Materials) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0276 | V1 (Petroleum Supply Specialist) | ENGR 2000 (Fluid Mechanics) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0277 | V2 (Petroleum Supply Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Fundamentals of Logistics), SFTY 2000 (Safety Practices and Procedures) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1601-0281 | V1 (Petroleum Supply Specialist Advanced Leader (ALC)) | ENGR 2000 (Petroleum Industry and Safety) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1606-0279 | V1 (Field Artillery Surveyor Meteorological Crewmember) | PHY 2000 (Basic Meteorology) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1701-0007 | V3 (Utilities Equipment Repairer) | ENGR 2000 (Electricity Troubleshooting) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1703-0059 | V1 (Motor Transport Operator) | SFTY 2000 (Truck Driving) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1703-0067 | V1 (Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic Basic Noncommissioned Officer) | MGMT 2000 (Topics in Supervision) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1704-0154 | V5 (CH-47 Helicopter Repairer) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety), ISOM 2000 (Records and Info Management) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1704-0204 | V1 (UH-60 A/L Helicopter Repairer) | ISOM 2000 (Records and Information Management) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1704-0223 | V3 (Aircraft Electrician) | SFTY 2000 (Basic Electricity), ENGR 2000 (Basic Electronics) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1704-0252 | V4 (AH-64D Armament/ Electrical/ Avionic Systems Repairer) | SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1704-0303 | V4 (Maneuver Senior Leader) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership Principles), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0658 | V1 (Avionic Mechanic) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0917 | V2 (Signal Support Systems Specialist, Advanced Leader) | CMSC 2000 (Network Fundamentals), MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0928 | V1 (Signal Support Systems Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Intro to Computers), CMSC 2000 (Network Administration), MLSC 2000 (Military Operations) | 8 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0928| V1 (Signal Support Systems Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Intro to Computers), CMSC 2000 (Network Administration) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0928 | V1 (Signal Support Systems Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Troubleshooting & Repair), CMSC 3990 (Network Admin), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-0928 | V1 (Signal Support System Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science), CMSC 3990 (Information Security) | 18 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1032 | V3 (Total Army Training System (TATS) Fire Support Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics for Land Navigation) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1034 | V1 (Fire Support Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1042 | V1 (MLRS Fire Direction Specialist) | MCOM 2000 (Communications) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1048 | V1 (Air Defense Artillery High to Medium Air Defense Operator/Maintainer) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1077 | V4 (Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Systems Oprator/Maintainer) | MLSC 2000 (Military Operations) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1078 | V3 (Satellite Communications Systems Operator-Maintainer Common Core) | ENGR 2000 (Basic DC Circuits) ENGR 2000 (AC Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Digital Circuits), ENGR 2000 (Solid State Electronics), ENGR 2000 (Basic Electronics Laboratory) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1099 | V3 (Patriot Fire Control Enhanced Operator/Maintainer) | CMSC 2000 (Microcomputer Systems Troubleshooting and Repair) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1100 | V2 (Air Defense Artillery Forward Area Air Defense C41 Tactical Operations Center Enhanced Operator/Maintainer) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1111 | V5 (Microwave Systems Operator/Maintainer (STRAT-1)) | CMSC 2000 (Communications Security), CMSC 2000 (Network Management) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1119 | V5 (Improved Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) Repairer) | SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1120 | V1 (Multiple Launch Rocket System Repairer) | SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1121 | V2 (High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Repairer) | SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1128 | V1 (Multichannel Transmission Systems Operator-Maintainer (ECB-1)) | MLSC 2000 (Military Operations) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1129 | V2 (Network Switching Systems Operator-Maintainer ECB-1) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Network Fundamentals), CMSC 2000 (Computer Networks) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1136 | V1 (Fire Support Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1138 | V1 (CBRN Dismounted Reconnaissance) | SFTY 4453 (Hazard Waste Operation & Emergency Response), SFTY 2000 (Air Monitoring and Sampling) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1138 | V5 (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Dismounted Reconnaissance Global War on Terrorism) | SFTY 2000 (Radiation Safety), SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials Operation) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1146 | V2 (Military Intelligence Basic Officer Leader (BOLC-B)) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), MCOM 2000 (Intercultural Communication), LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1147 | V1 (Automated Logistical Specialist Reclass) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1148 | V2 (Automated Logistical Specialist Reclass) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1169 | V1 (Human Intelligence Collector) | MLSC 2000 (Intelligence Studies), CJ 3990 (Human Intelligence Collection), CJ 3990 (Intelligence Analysis) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1190 | V2 (Telecommunications Operations Chief Senior Leader) | CMSC 2000 (Network Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1191 | V1 (Telecommunications Operations Chief Senior Leader) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1192 | V2 (Telecommunications Operations Chief Senior Leader) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science), BCOM 3990 (Decision-Making) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1715-1204 | V1 (Multichannel Transmission System Operator-Maintainer) | CMSC 2000 (Topics in Computer Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1717-0169 | V5 (Multiple Launch Rocket System Operations fire Direction Specialist, Senior Leader (SLC)) | CMSC 2000 (Database Applications), LEAD 2000 (Leadership Principles) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1717-0244 | V3 (Performance Improvement Through Lean Six Sigma (PITLSS)) | MGMT 3990 (Organizational Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1720-0012 | V1 (Prime Power Production Specialist) | PHY 2000 (Intro to Physics), PHY 2000 (Basic Thermodynamics), SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1720-0020 | V3 (Chemical Operations Speciailist) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), HLTH 2000 (First Aid), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1720-0023 | V2 (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist) | SFTY 2000 (Hazardous Materials Management) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1721-0009 | V1 (Fire Control Specialist) | SFTY 2000 (Industrial Safety), CMSC 2000 (Intro to Networking), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 15 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0028 | V3 (Military Police Investigator) | CJ 4023 (Modern Criminal Investigations), CJ4423 (Child Abuse and Neglect law) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0084 | V1 (Human Intelligence Collector) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0086 | V2 (Counterintelligence Agent) | LS 2000 (Legal Principles) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0107 | V2 (Basic Military Police/Basic Correction Specialist Phases 1-4) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Topics - Military Science), CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institutions) | 13 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0123 | V4 (Basic Military Internment/Resettlmnt Spec) | CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institutions) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0128 | V2 (Military Police Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | CJ 20AD (Law Enforcement Operations), MGMT 2000 (Personnel Supervision) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0129 | V2 (Special Reaction Team Marksman/Observer (SRT/MO), Phase 2) | MLSC 2000 (Marksmanship) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0130 | V3 (Child Abuse Prevention and Investigative Techniques (CAPIT)) | CJ 3990 (Child Abuse Investigation & Prevention) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0135 | V3 (Basic Military Police (ST02)) | CJ 2653 (Police Admin & Org), CJ 1523 (Patrol Procedures) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0137 | V4 (Conventional Physical Security) | CJ 2000 (Introduction to Security) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0137 | V5 (Conventional Physical Security/Crime Prevention (CPS/CP) (ITRO)) | CJ 4633 (Terrorism & Homeland Security) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0143 | V1 (Military Police Advanced Noncommissioned Officer (ANCOC)) | CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institutions) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0144 | V3 (Special Reaction Team (SRT), Phase 1) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0145 | V1 (Military Police Investigations (MPI)) | FRSC 2000 (Basic Forensic Science), CJ 2000 (Topics in Criminal Justice) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0145 | V2 (Military Police Investigations (MPI)) | CJ 20AD (Investigative Techniques), CJ 4023 (Modern Criminal Investigations) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0151 | V1 (Intelligence Analyst) | MCOM 2000 (Communications) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0151 | V1 (Intelligence Analyst) | MLSC 3990 (Intelligence Analysis) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0153 | V4 (Total Army Training System (TATS) Counterintelligence Agent) | CJ 20AD (Investigative Techniques) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0166 | V3 (Antiterrorism Program Manager (ATPM)) | CJ 4633 (Terrorism & Homeland Security), CJ 2213 (Introduction to Crime Analysis) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0167 | V2 (Basic Military Police One Station Unit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), CJ 2000 (Law Enforcement), PHED 2000 (PE - Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0167 | V1 (Basic Military Police One Station Unit Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), CJ 2653 (Police Administration and Organization), PHED 2000 (PE - Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0167 | V1 (Basic Military Police) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), CJ1413 (Introduction to the CJ System), PHED 2000 (PE - Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 19 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0174 | V1 (Internment Resettlement Specialist, Advanced Leader (ALC)) | CJ 3703 (Administration of Correctional Institutions) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0177 | V2 (Basic Military Police (TATS)) | CJ 4023: Modern Criminal Investigations; 3 hours | ||
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0186 | V1 (Military Police Advanced Leader) | CJ 20AD (Law Enforcement), LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0192 | V1 (Internment/Resettlement Specialist Advanced Individual Training) | CJ 20AD (Intro to Corrections), CJ 20AD (Security Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0197 | V2 (Coutnerintelligence Special Agent) | CJ 4633 (Terrorism & Homeland Security), CJ 4023 (Modern Criminal Investigations), CJ 2000 (Topics in Criminal Justice) | 17 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0205 | V2 (Basic Military Police (ST01)) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1728-0217 | V1 (TC-AIMS II Functional User) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Logistics) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0032 | V1 (Food Service Management) | NTRN 2000 (Food Management and Safety) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0039 | V1 (Food Service Specialist Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | NTRN 2000 (Food Management) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0039 | V1 (Food Service Specialist Advanced Leader (ALC)) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Applications), NTRN 2000 (Topics in Food Service) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0040 | V1 (Food Service Specialist Advanced noncommissioned Officer (NCO)) | NTRN 2000: Food Management; 4 hours; CMSC 2000: Microcomputer Applications; 2 hours | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0041 | V1 (Food Service Specialist Advanced Individual Training) | NTRN 2000 (Fundamentals of Food Preparation) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0041 | V4 (Food Service Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Fundamentals of Food Preparation) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0041 | V5 (Culinary Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Fundamentals of Food Preparation) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0075 | V1 (Food Service Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Food Service Sanitation & Safety) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0076 | V9 (Food Service Technician Warrant Officer Basic) | NRTN 2000 (Food Service Operations) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0077 | V1 (Food Service Technician Warrant Officer Basic | NTRN 2000 (Topics in Food Service Management) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0080 | V1 (Food Service Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Fundamentals of Food Preparation) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1729-0081 | V1 (Food Service Specialist) | NTRN 2000 (Quantity Food Production) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1733-0008 | V3 (Parachute Rigger) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2101-0005 | V2 (Petroleum Vehicle Operator) | SFTY 2000 (Truck Driver Training) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0085 | V4 (Infantry Mortar Leader) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Operation) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0197 | V2 (Basic Military Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0253 | V5 (Primary Leadership Development) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0253 | V5 (Total Army Training System (TATS) Primary Leadership Development) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), MGMT 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0253 | V1 (Total Army Training System (TATS) Primary Leadership Development) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), LEAD 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0294 | V2 (Primary Leadership Development) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), LEAD 2000 (Principles of Supervision) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0310 | V1 (Light Weapons Infantryman) | HLTH 2000 (First Aid), PHED 2000 (PE- Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0330 | V2 (M1/M1A1 Abrams Armor Crewman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0331 | V1 (Cavalry Scout) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE- Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 7 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0331 | V1 (Cavalry Scout) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR), MCOM 2000 (Human Relations Communication), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 13 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0337 | V5 (Basic Noncommissioned Officer (NCO) Common Leader Reserve Training) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0339 | V3 (Drill Sergeant) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), PHED 2000 (Phys Fitness Training) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0339 | V2 (Total Army Training System Drill Sergeant) | LEAD 2000 (Intro to Leadership), PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity), PSY 3990 (Counseling Techniques), AESS 3990 (Principles of Teaching) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0345 | V1 (Military Free Fall Parachutist) | PHED 2000 (Skydiving) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0372 | V2 (Cannon Crewman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0399 | V1 (Basic Combat Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0399 | V2 (Basic Combat Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE- Military Activity), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0399 | V1 (Basic Combat Training) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0399 | V2 (Basic Combat Training) | HLTH 1112 (HLTH 2212: First Aid), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0411 | V1 (Field Artillery Officer Basic) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Principles) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0434 | V1 (Ranger) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE Activity - Military) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0439 | V5 (Infantryman BNCOC) | LEAD 3900 (Leadership), MLSC 3900 (Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0449 | V3 (Jumpmaster) | MLSC 2000 (Operational Risk Management), MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0455 | V5 (Airborne) | PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0479 | V1 (Armor Crewman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), MGMT 2000 (Human Relations), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 20 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0494 | V3 (National Guard Officer Candidate) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MGMT 2000 (Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0501 | V2 (Field Artillery Senior Radar/Targeting Sergeant, Senior Leader) | MGMT 3990 (Management), LEAD 3990 (Leadership) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0516 | V1 (Total Army Training) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), CMSC 2000 (Computer Fundamentals) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0527 | V3 (Total Army Traning System (TATS) Cannon Crewmember) | HLTH 2000 (Personal Community Health), PHED 2000 (PE-Physical Activity) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0530 | V2 (Air Defense Artillery, Adv Leader (ALC)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0539 | V3 (United States Army Drill Sergeant School) | HLTH 2000 (First Aid), MLSC 2000 (Marksmanship Instructor), MLSC 2000 (Military Science), PHED 2000 (Physical Fitness), LEAD 3990 (Leadership), PTE 3990 (Instructional Methods) | 12 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0552 | V2 (Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), LEAD 2000 (Ethics) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0552 | V3 (Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR), MLSC 2000 (Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), MCOM 2000 (Human Relations) | 15 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0552 | V4 (Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid with CPR), MLSC 2000 (Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE Activity-Military), SFTY 2000 (Topics in Safety Science) | 18 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0553 | V1 (Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2212 (First Aid w/CPR), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 11 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0554 | V4 (Basic Officer Leader) | LEAD 2000 (Intro to Leadership), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0578 | V2 (Indirect Fire Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0578 | V2 (Indirect Fire Infantryman) | HLTH 1112 (Healthy Life Skills), HLTH 2000 (Topics in Health Science), MCOM 2000 (Human Relations Comm), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), PHED 2000 (PE-Military Activity) | 18 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0579 | V3 (Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer) | ISOM 2000 (Information Systems), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science), MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science), MGMT 3990 (Practicum in Management) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0603 | V3 (Warrior Leader (AC)) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership Principles), MLSC 2000 (Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0603 | V4 (Warrior Leader) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0603 | V5 (Warrior Leader) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership), MGMT 3990 (Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0603 | V1 (Basic Leader) | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0603 | V1 (Basic Leader) | MCOM 2000 (Communication), MGMT 2000 (Introduction to Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0604 | V3 (Warrior Leader) | MLSC 2000 (Military Science), LEAD 2000 (Leadership Principles) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0605 | V1 (Battle Staff Noncommissioned Officer) | MLSC 3990 (Topics in Military Science) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0611 | V2 (Warrant Officer Candidate School) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0611 | V1 (Warrant Officer Candidate) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0612 | V1 (Warrant Officer Candidate) | LEAD 2000 (Leadership), MCOM 2000 (Communication), MGMT 3990 (Management) | 9 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0614 | V4 (Warrant Officer Candidate) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership), MGMT 3990 (Management) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0623 | V3 (Small Arms/Towed Artillery Repairer) | CJ 2000 (Law Enforcement) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0632 | V1 (Fire Support Sergeant ANCOC) | MLSC 2000: Topics; 3 hours (or no credit) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0634 | V2 (Fire Support Sergeant ANCOC) | MLSC 2000 (Topics) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0637 | V1 (Field Artillery Tactical Data System Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0638 | V1 (Field Artillery Tactical Data System Specialist) | CMSC 2000 (Computer Data Processing) | 1 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0671 | V2 (Maneuver Senior Leader (Calvary Scout)) | LEAD 3990 (Leadership) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0687 | V1 (Advanced Leader - Common Core) | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 2 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0687 | V1 (Advanced Leader - Common Core) | MGMT 3990 (Management) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0688 | V1 (Fire Support Sergeant, Advanced Leader (ALC)) | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0742 | V1 (Infantryman) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0752 | V1 (Dismounted Counter-IED Tactics Master Trainer) | PTE 3990 (Topics in Adult Learning) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0774 | V1 (Ammunition Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0775 | V1 (Ammunition Specialist) | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 4 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0781 | V2 (Infantryman Advanced Leader (ALC) | MCOM 2000 (Communication), MGMT 2000 (Management and Supervision), MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 10 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2201-0840 | V3 (Distributed Leader I | MGMT 2000 (Supervision) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2202-0015 | V1 (Enlisted Combat Skills | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2204-0095 | V1 (Financial Management Technician Senior Leader | FIN 2000 (Topics in Finance) | 6 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2204-0097 | V9 (Air and Missile Defense (AMD) Crewmember | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 5 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2205-0004 | V1 (Motor Transport Operator Advanced Leaders | MLSC 2000 (Topics in Military Science) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 2205-0006 | V1 (Food Service Specialist | NTRN 2000 (Intro to Food Preparation) | 3 | |
Army | UCO | AR 1720-0023 | V1 (Chemical Operations Speciailist | HUM 2000 (Cultural Awareness), SFTY 4453 (Hazard Waste Operation & Emergency Response), SFTY 4213 (Chemical Hazards and Controls) | 7 |
*This Inventory is not a complete list of credit awarded for military experience. Contact the institution you plan to attend if you have questions or would like to find out how to have your military study and training evaluated for college credit.
American Council on Education's Military Guide
The Military Guide is the sole source of information for all military courses and occupations as evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE) since 1954. The Military Guide expands on the information found in a U.S. Armed Forces service member’s Joint Services Transcript (JST). It provides advisory recommendations for placing active-duty service members and veterans in postsecondary programs of study and jobs.

ACE Military Guide
The ACE Military Guide supports academic institutions in awarding college credit to military-connected learners based on their military training and occupations.
Resources for Oklahoma Veterans
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Oklahoma State Accrediting Agency (SAA)
The SAA is the approval authority in the state of Oklahoma of programs of education and training for those enrolled in school and job training programs under the GI Bill.
Student Veteran
"Student Veteran" offers direct assistance to student veterans who have questions or are experiencing problems accessing their GI Bill benefits.
Veterans Upward Bound
Veterans Upward Bound is designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in a program of postsecondary education. The program provides assessment and enhancement of basic skills through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas. The primary goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs.
- East Central University, Veterans Upward Bound Program, Ada, Oklahoma.
- Redlands Community College, Veterans Upward Bound Program, El Reno, Oklahoma.
- University of Central Oklahoma, Veteran Higher Education Resource and Opportunity Center, Edmond, Oklahoma. is the state's official college planning website that provides information about higher education in Oklahoma for students, educators and parents.
National Guard Tuition Waiver
The Oklahoma National Guard Tuition Waiver is established as an incentive for qualified young men and women to join the Oklahoma National Guard and as a means to retain skilled, productive citizens within the state.